Mortgage Specialists
Your experienced Mortgage Specialists will guide you from application through closing. Our mortgage process is local ensuring your loan proceeds quickly and efficiently with prompt local decision-making and the confidentiality and attention to detail you deserve.

Lynne M. Tamanini
- First Vice President & Manager
- Residential Mortgage Banking
- 317-261-9758
- lynnetamanini@nbofi.com
- NMLS# 473840

Andrew J. Engle
- Mortgage Banking Officer
- Residential Mortgage Banking
- 317-261-9611
- andrewengle@nbofi.com
- NMLS# 473836

Kelly M. Hardin
- Assistant Vice President & Mortgage Banking Officer
- Residential Mortgage Banking
- 317-261-0363
- kellyhardin@nbofi.com
- NMLS# 473833

Carol A. Merchiers
- Assistant Vice President & Mortgage Banking Officer
- Residential Mortgage Banking
- 317-261-9757
- carolmerchiers@nbofi.com
- NMLS# 473838

Timothy J. Wallace
- Assistant Vice President & Mortgage Banking Officer
- Residential Mortgage Banking
- 317-261-9761
- timothywallace@nbofi.com
- NMLS# 473842